Advanced Fields

About 5 min

Advanced Fields

The Advanced Fields group offers more specialized form elements that can be tailored to specific needs and enhance user interactions.

Please check common filed settings

Shared fields settings.

Here are the available field types:


This field type allows selection of a single option from a dropdown list.

Enable search: By enabling this setting, you provide users with a search input within the Select field, allowing them to search for the specific records.

Use Ajax: Provide a smoother user experience when working with large datasets.

Source table: Specifies the source table or the data collection from which the options for the Select field will be filled. This allows you to retrieve the options dynamically from a database table.

Set label: Sets multiple labels that will represent the title or the display text for each option in the dropdown list. This is useful when you want to provide more descriptive information or to display multiple fields from the source table as the option labels.

Set sorting: Defines the sorting order for the options in the dropdown list. You can specify the ascending or the descending order based on a particular field or a criteria from the source table.

Select Custom

This field type provides a custom dropdown list to be used for selecting a single option.

You can define your own values and titles for the dropdown list options.

Set values: The Value and Title specify the value and title for each option in the dropdown list. The value represents the underlying data associated with the option, whereas the title is the visible text displayed in the dropdown list.

Select Many

Users can select multiple options from a dropdown list in this field type.

Variable Name: Choose a meaningful and descriptive name for the variable that will hold the settings data.

Enable Sorting: By enabling this setting you allow users to rearrange the order of the selected records.

Use Ajax: Provide a smoother user experience when working with large datasets.

Database Name: Enter the name of the database field where the selected records will be stored. This allows for proper storage, retrieval, and processing of the selected items.

Source table: Specify the source table or the data collection from which the options for the Select Many field will be filled. This allows you to retrieve the options dynamically from a database table.

Sync with Element: Create a many-to-many relationship between two pages within your application. Select an element or a field from another page that you want to synchronize with the current field. To successfully establish the connection between the two pages, make sure that the both pages has the same field types in the form.

Set label: Set multiple labels that will represent the title or the text to be displayed for each option in the dropdown list. This is useful if you want to provide more descriptive information or to display multiple fields from the source table as the option labels.

Set sorting: Define the sorting order for the options in the dropdown list. You can specify the ascending or the descending order based on a particular field or a criteria from the source table.

Select Many Custom

This field type offers a custom multi-select dropdown list that offers multiple choice.

You can define your own values and titles for the dropdown list options.

Variable Name: Choose a meaningful and descriptive name for the variable that will hold the settings data.

Database Name: Enter the name of the database field where the selected records will be stored. This allows for proper storage, retrieval, and processing of the selected items.

Set values: The Value and Title Specify the value and title for each item in the dropdown list. The value represents the underlying data associated with the item, whereas the title is the visible text displayed as the particular item in the dropdown list.

Checkbox Many

Users can select multiple items by checking checkboxes in this field type.

Variable Name: Choose a meaningful and descriptive name for the variable that will hold the checked statuses.

Enable Sorting: By enabling this setting, you allow users to rearrange the order of the checked items.

Items Direction: Choose the desired direction for displaying the records.

  • Vertical: This option displays records using the vertical layout and stacks the items one over the other in a column.
  • Horizontal: This option displays records using the horizontal layout and places the items next to each other in a row.

Database Name: Enter the name of the database field where the selected records will be stored. This allows for proper storage, retrieval, and processing of the items that are being checked.

Source table: Specify the source table or the data collection from which the items for the Checkbox Many field will be loaded. This allows you to retrieve the options dynamically from a database table.

With the Checkbox Many field you can create a many-to-many relationship between two pages within your application and synchronize the selected values on the two pages. Here is how you can configure the Sync with Element setting:

Sync with Element: Create the many-to-many relationship between the two pages within your application. Select the element or the field from another page, which you want to synchronize with the current field. To successfully establish the connection between the two pages, make sure that the both pages has the same field types in the form.

Set label: Set multiple labels that will represent the title or the display text for each item in the checkbox. This is useful if you want to provide more descriptive information or to display multiple fields from the source table as the item labels.

Set sorting: Define the sorting order for the items in the checkbox list. You can specify the ascending or the descending order based on a particular field or a criteria from the source table.

Checkbox Many Custom

This field type provides a custom multi-checkbox layout for checking multiple items.

You can define your own titles for the items in the checkbox list.

Variable Name: Choose a meaningful and descriptive name for the variable that will hold the checked statuses.

Items Direction: Choose the desired direction for displaying the items.

  • Vertical: This option displays records using the vertical layout and stacks the items one over the other in a column.
  • Horizontal: This option displays records using the horizontal layout and places the items next to each other in a row.

Database Name: Enter the name of the database field where the checked items will be stored. This allows for proper storage, retrieval, and processing of the checked items.

Set values: The Value and Title specify the value and title for each option in the checkbox list. The value represents the underlying data associated with the item, whereas the title is the text displayed in the checkbox list.

Radio Group

Users can choose a single option from a group of radio buttons in this field type.

Items Direction: Choose the desired direction for displaying the items.

  • Vertical: This option displays records using the vertical layout and stacks the items one over the other in a column.
  • Horizontal: This option displays records using the horizontal layout and places the items next to each other in a row.

Source table: Specify the source table or data collection from which the items in the checkboh field will be loaded. This allows you to retrieve the options dynamically from a database table.

Set label: Set multiple labels that will represent the title or the display text for each option in the list. This is useful when you want to provide more descriptive information or display multiple fields from the source table as the option labels.

Set sorting: Define the sorting order for the options in the list. You can specify the ascending or the descending order based on a particular field or criteria from the source table.

Radio Group Custom

This field type offers a custom radio group layout for selecting a single option.

You can define your own values and titles for the list items.

Items Direction: Choose the desired direction for displaying records.

  • Vertical: This option displays records using the vertical layout and stacks the items one over the other in a column.
  • Horizontal: This option displays records using the horizontal layout and places the items next to each other in a row.

Set values: The Value and Title specify the value and title for each item in the radio button list. The value represents the underlying data associated with the item, whereas the title is the text displayed in the radio button list.


The Parent field type is specifically designed to establish a parent-child relationship between the records within the same table, often used for creating nested categories or hierarchical structures.

Variable Name: Choose a meaningful and descriptive name for the variable that will hold the settings data.

Label Source: Select the field that will be used as a source for labels in the dropdown menu. These field values will be displayed as the titles in the dropdown list, allowing users to select the parent record.