Basic Fields

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Basic Fields

The Basic Fields group includes the commonly used form elements that meet standard input requirements. These fields are designed to capture essential information effectively.

Please check common filed settings

Shared fields settings.

Let's explore some of the available basic fields:


The Title field allows users to input a short text that serves as a title or a heading for a specific section or a content.


The Content field provides a larger text area where users can input longer descriptions or detailed information.

When working with the Content field, you have the option to customize its settings based on your specific requirements. Available settings:

Text editor: Choose the type of text editor you want to use for the field. You can select from the options like Advanced, Basic, or Disable Rich Text Editor.

  • Basic: This option provides a simple text area without any advanced formatting options. Users can input plain text without any additional formatting.
  • Advanced: Provides a rich text editor with advanced formatting options such as bold, italic, underline, bullet points, and more. It allows users to format the text and add various styling elements.
  • Disable Rich Text Editor: If selected, this option disables the rich text editor functionality altogether, providing a basic text area where users can input plain text.

By selecting the appropriate text editor type, you can provide users with the desired level of text formatting capabilities, whether it is the advanced for a rich content or the basic text area for a plain text.


The Image field enables users to upload and resize images directly within the form, allowing for an easy inclusion of visual contents.

When configuring an image field, you can customize several settings to ensure proper handling of the uploaded files. Here are the commonly available settings for the Image field:

Field Type: Specify the allowed file types or formats that can be uploaded. In this case, the supported formats could be "jpg", "png", "webp"...

Field Size: Define the size restrictions for the uploaded files. It is common to set the limits in terms of the file size, namely the minimum and the maximum file size in MB.

Original image settings

When uploading an image, you have the ability to specify various actions and settings for the uploaded image. Here are the available settings for the original image:

Upload Folder: Define the destination folder where the uploaded files will be stored. This folder is the location on the server where the uploaded files will be saved.

Actions: Choose from different actions to be applied to the uploaded image. The available options are:

  • Resize: Resizes the image to specific dimensions while maintaining the original aspect ratio.
  • Crop: Crops the image to a specific area or dimensions, allowing you to focus on a particular part of the image.
  • None: No specific action will be applied to the image. It will be stored in its original form.

Width and Height: Specify the desired width and height of the final image. This setting is applicable when using the resize or crop action. The image will be adjusted to match the specified dimensions.

Additionally, you have the option to create the thumbnail images from the original uploaded images. Here are the settings for generating the thumbnails:

Upload Folder: Define the folder path where the thumbnail images will be stored.

Action: Specify the action to be applied to the thumbnail images. Similar to the original image, you can choose resize, crop, or none.

Width and Height: Set the desired width and height of the thumbnail images.

Prefix: Add a prefix to the filename of the thumbnail images, allowing you to differentiate them from the original images.


The File field allows users to upload various types of documents and files, providing a convenient way to attach relevant materials.

When configuring a File field, you can customize several settings to ensure proper handling of the uploaded files. Here are the commonly available settings for the file field:

Field Type: Specify the allowed file types or formats that can be uploaded. In this case, the supported formats could be "PDF", "doc", "csv"...

Field Size: Define the size restrictions for the uploaded files. It is common to set the limits in terms of the file size, namely, the minimum and the maximum allowed file size in MB.

Upload Folder: Define the destination folder where the uploaded files will be stored. This folder is the location on the server where the uploaded files will be saved.


The Checkbox field represents a single checkbox that can be selected or deselected.

Display as Switch: If you want to display a checkbox as a switch, you can customize its appearance to provide a more visually appealing and intuitive user interface.

Date & Time

This field incorporates a calendar and a time picker and enables users to select a specific date and time.

Type: Select the type of input you want for the date and time field.

  • Date and Time: Select this option if you require the selection of both the date and time. Users can select a specific date and time using a calendar picker.
  • Date Only: Select this option if you require selection only of a date. Users will be presented with a calendar picker to choose the desired date.


The Time field offers a time picker that allows users to select a specific time value.

Money & Measurement

This field is designed to handle decimal numbers, making it suitable for capturing monetary or measurement values.

Decimal: Specifies the number of decimal places allowed for the numeric value. You can set the value from 0 to 6 decimals, depending on your specific needs.

Min Value: Sets the minimum allowed value. Any input below the minimum value will be considered invalid.

Max Value: Defines the maximum allowed value. Any input exceeding the maximum value will be considered invalid.

Number Format: Defines the specific format a numeric value is to be display in, for example 1,000.00. This format includes the thousand separator and the decimal point, which makes the number easier to read and understand.


The Numbers field is intended for integers and it enables users to input whole numbers.

Min Value: Sets the minimum allowed value. Any input below the minimum value will be considered invalid.

Max Value: Defines the maximum allowed value. Any input exceeding the maximum value will be considered invalid.


The Slug field assists in creating unique URLs or slugs for specific content, ensuring easy identification and access.

The Header field allows users to add a title or a heading within the form to provide visual organization and structure.


The Email field is specifically designed for capturing email addresses, ensuring a valid email input.