Field Properties

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Field Properties

The Form Builder is a powerful tool that enables you to create an admin panel forms with over 30 form fields. The form fields are divided into four groups, which provide a comprehensive range of options for your form design.

When using the form builder, you have the option to customize various settings for each field.

Form Field groups

  • Basic Fields

    The Basic Fields group consists of the commonly used form elements that fulfill standard input requirements.

  • Advanced Fields

    The Advanced Fields group offers more specialized form elements tailored to specific needs and enhanced user interactions.

  • Other Fields

    The Other Fields group encompasses additional form elements that are less commonly used but provide additional functionality.

  • Custom Fields

    The Custom Fields group offers the flexibility to create and connect form fields with custom models within your project. This allows you to tailor the form elements to seamlessly integrate them with your specific data models.

Field Settings

The following settings are commonly shared among most form fields:


The Title setting allows you to specify a descriptive label or heading for the field.

Column Name

The Column Name setting determines the name of the corresponding column in your database where the field data will be stored. It is important to choose a unique field name that adheres to certain guidelines and limitations. Here are the details regarding the column name:


  • The column name should be a unique identifier within the database table for the current form.
  • It should not exceed the maximum of 50 characters.
  • The column name cannot start with a digit (0-9) or an underscore (_).
  • It should not end with an underscore (_).
  • The column name can contain only English alphabet letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), and underscores (_).

It is highly recommended to use only the lowercase letters (a-z) and underscores (_) in the column name in order to ensure consistency and compatibility with various database systems.


By enabling the Required setting, you can make the field mandatory, ensuring that users must provide a value before submitting the form.


The Default setting allows you to set a predefined value for the field, which will be displayed if the user does not provide a different value.

Unique Field

If enabled it indicates that the value entered in the field must be unique among all the existing records in the corresponding column or table in the database.


The Description setting provides additional information or instructions related to the field, helping users understand its purpose or requirements.


Use this setting to set a text that appears within the field as a hint or an example that will guide users on what information to input.


This setting allows you to adjust the width of the field, specifying the amount of horizontal space it occupies in the form layout.

Column Length

For certain field types, for example the "text" or the "varchar", the Column Length setting determines the maximum number of characters allowed for the field data in the database.


The Prefix setting allows you to add a fixed value or a text that is appended in front of the user's input.


The Suffix setting enables you to append a fixed value or a text that appears at the end of the user's input.

Custom Class

You can apply a custom CSS class to the field, which allows you to style the field according to your specific design requirements.

Disable Default JS

Enabling the setting Disable Default JS ensures that any JavaScript functionality associated with the field is deactivated. This is useful if you want to restrict or prevent certain interactions or behaviors.