Table Builder

About 3 min

Table Builder

The Table Builder allows you to configure various aspects of your table.


In this section, you can set the layout of your table. You can choose between two different table layouts, the traditional table format or the gallery layout. If you opt for the gallery layout, you can also select the default image to be displayed for each item in the gallery.

Layout: Choose the desired layout for your table. You can select either the traditional table layout or the gallery layout.

Show in Table: Select the fields that you want to be visible in the table view. You can choose from the available fields and customize the order in which they are displayed. Use this setting to control which fields are shown in the table and organize them according to your preferences.

Sort Sub-Pages: If you have sub-pages that are linked to the main table through a parent relationship, you can use this setting to sort the sub-pages. This ensures that the sub-pages are displayed in the desired order within the table.

Pagination & Sorting

In this section you determine how the table data is paginated and presented to the user.


  • JavaScript Pagination: This option provides JavaScript-based pagination suitable for tables with up to 2000 records. It enables a dynamic pagination experience without page reloads. Users can navigate through the table pages seamlessly using the pagination controls.

  • Drag and Drop Sorting: With this option, you can enable drag and drop functionality to sort the table records. Users can interactively reorder the rows by dragging and dropping them into the desired positions. This allows for easy manual sorting of the table data.

  • Classic Pagination: This option implements traditional pagination where the table is divided into multiple pages, and users can navigate through the pages using page numbers or next/previous buttons.

  • No Pagination: If you choose this option, the table will display all records without any pagination.

Default Table Order You can define the initial sorting order of the table. This allows you to specify the column(s) and the sorting direction (ascending or descending) to present the data in a predefined order when the table is initially loaded.

In the search section, you can set up the table searching functionality. This allows users to search for the specific data within the table based on their search queries. You can specify the search fields to include and customize the search behavior to meet your requirements.


The Settings section provides advanced configuration options for your table. Here, you can fine-tune various settings.

A brief explanation of each option is:

Title: Enter a title for your table. This title will be displayed as a heading or a caption for the table.

Info: Provide additional information or description related to the table. This information can help users understand the purpose or the context of the table.

Database Table: Specify the name of the database table associated with the table builder.

Table Width: Set the width of the table.

Bulk Upload: Enable bulk upload functionality by adding a file or an image field to your form. This allows users to upload multiple files or images simultaneously.

Bulk Delete: Choose whether to enable bulk deletion of records in the table. This feature allows users to delete multiple records at once.

Use Ajax: Decide whether to use the Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript) when performing table operations. If this option is enabled it provides smoother and more responsive user interactions.

Soft Delete: Enable soft delete functionality, which marks records as deleted without physically removing them from the database. The soft-deleted records can be restored if needed.

Auditable Logs: Determine whether to enable auditable logs for the table. This feature tracks changes made to the table records, providing a log of modifications.

Multi-Tenancy user: Choose whether to enable multi-tenancy support, which allows the table to handle data separation for different tenants.

Multi-Tenancy team: Choose whether to enable multi-tenancy support, which allows the table to handle data separation for different teams.

Hide from Import: Specify whether to hide the table from importing into the project.

Extend Model, Controller, Request: These options allow you to extend the default model, controller, and request classes associated with the table. This enables you to add a customized functionality and override the existing behavior.

Disable Create, Edit, Delete, Show Page: Decide whether to disable specific actions for the table. Disabling these actions restricts user access to create, edit, delete, or view individual records.

Add Sub-Page

This section allows you to add a sub-page to your table and create a parent-child relationship between the main table and the related sub-pages. you can use this feature to include the sub-pages within the table and provide a hierarchical view of the data.